Hello Friends!

So I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while, mostly so I can stop talking about food on my Facebook page.  Why is this called “Stumbling To Yum”? Well, a few reasons. One, I had another another, cooler name which some dude signed up for on literally every blog service in 2008 thinking he was going to be the next Rachel Ray and made exactly one post. Two, I  love to cook and bake but a combination of hubris and laziness generally keep me from following recipes as they are written. Sometimes this leads to stunning success but more often I land on the failure spectrum.  Three, I’ve stumbled onto a great many yummy things without really trying; jobs, relationships, makeup on sale. I might mention these things if I think they’ll be of interest.

Back to the food thing – writing a cooking blog with with half-assed moderately adjusted versions of other people’s recipes may seem rather pointless, but at the very least I hope it gives anyone who reads some inspiration. Because “a pinch of that, a spash of this” may not be helpful if you want to try yourself, i’ll always link back to the original recipe  and aim to stick to the following format for each step of the process:


In addition to discussing what I make, i’ll also discuss technique, food philosophy, and favorite places.  I’ve got a lot of ideas, friends. Lets give it a go, shall we?


Coconut Banana Lime Breads